The following websites may be helpful when looking for information on mental health disorders: (just click the blue box)Forgiveness Is the Answer to (Almost) All of Our Ills
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
National Institute of Mental Health The following websites may be helpful when looking for information on substance abuse disorders:
Information on Addiction and Help:
Interesting articles:
Cyber-bullying: How Bullies Have Moved From the Playground to the Web. A great infographic illustrating some data on cyberbullying and the impact it has on adolescents today.
Is your adult kid still dependent on your paycheck? Maybe it's time to cut the cord and give them some financial freedom.
You Can't Do Your Job if You Don't Sleep
Forgiveness is the Answer to (Almost) All of Our Ills Why Should anyone forgive? There is no single reason, but this much is clear: harboring anger and resentment is physically, mentally, relationally and spiritually unhealthy.
Leveling Up: Moving Beyond Rejection Being in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same can be a devastating experience, especially if you’ve struggled with rejection before.
Can Feeling Insecure Predict Obesity? A new meta-analysis suggests that attachment quality can play a role in obesity.
What is Your Sense of Peace “Peace” can sound sentimental or clichéd but it’s what most of us long for.
Parent Attachment Problems Recent reports reveal that a shocking high number of children are not securely attached to their parents.
Guide to Anxiety and Sleep According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety is a reaction to stress. Its key markers are feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes such as elevated blood pressure.
How Does Trauma Affect Sleep? Trauma can cause a wide range of long-lasting, negative health effects, including insomnia and other sleep-related problems.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Sleep Sleep is a major issue for many adults and children who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Addiction wisdom for young adults and teenagers
This is an updated resource on social media addiction and the pressures it puts on teens. This includes information on suicides, the dangers of social media, and how to spot and treat possible problems.